Delay in opening construction industry in Islamabad would render over 20,000 workers jobless – ICCI
- April 21, 2020
Muhammad Ahmed Waheed, President, Islamabad Chamber
of Commerce & Industry said that despite announcement of the government to
open construction industry in the country, construction related industries
including steel and pipe manufacturers have not been allowed to open their
operations in the federal capital, which was creating great concerns in the
business community of this sector. He was afraid that further delay in opening
construction sector in Islamabad would render over 20,000 workers jobless.
Muhammad Ahmed Waheed said that for the last more than one month,
industries and businesses were closed in Islamabad and industrialists were
paying wages to workers from own pickets. However, this could not be done for
long time as without production activities, keeping labor on payroll would be a
big challenge. He said that closed production activities took almost two months
in getting back to normal operations and warned that if construction sector was
not opened immediately, all construction projects in Islamabad would suffer and
unemployment would further increase.
ICCI President said that KPK has opened construction sector and due to closure
of construction industry in Islamabad, ongoing construction projects were
purchasing construction material from other provinces. This situation would
cause further damage to the construction industries of the federal capital. He
urged that local administration should take notice of this situation and urgently
allow opening of all construction related businesses otherwise, they would lose
the benefit of package announced by the government for construction industry.
Tahir Abbasi Senior Vice President and Saif ur Rehman Khan Vice President ICCI
said that due to lockdown, businesses and industries were on the verge of
collapse. In these circumstances, Prime Minister had taken a wise decision to
open construction industry in the country. They said that administration should
finalize SOPs without further delay for construction industry and open all
construction related industries in Islamabad including steel, pipe manufacturing
and marble. It would provide jobs to large number of jobless workers and reduce
the difficulties of many families as well.