ICCI demands decent cut in power tariff to reduce cost of doing business
- May 29, 2020
Muhammad Ahmed Waheed, President, Islamabad
Chamber of Commerce & Industry has called upon the government to
reduce power tariff in proportionate to the cut made oil prices that would
bring down cost of doing business and help in reviving falling exports. He
said that government had reduced prices of petroleum products in the
wake of fall in oil prices in international market that was a laudable
decision while there are indications that OGRA may propose further cut in
the prices of petroleum products. However, he urged that government
should also make a proportionate cut in power tariffs that would reduce
manufacturing cost and make our exports more competitive in
regional/international market.
Muhammad Ahmed Waheed said that Covid-19 pandemic has caused
unprecedented losses to business and industrial activities in the country
due to which our fragile economy is struggling. He said that the only best
solution to overcome economic challenges is to give boost to industrial
activities. Since the cost of production has a major component of electricity
cost, lowering power tariff would bring down production cost leading to
better revival of business activities.
ICCI President said that coronavirus has badly hit the businesses across
the world due to which major importers/customers of our products were
demanding discounts. However, it was not viable for exporters to give
them discount without reduction in production cost and this situation could
lead to cancellation of many export orders. To cope with such challenges,
Pakistan should adopt two-pronged strategy vis. reduce manufacturing
cost and increase volume of exports. He said that the best way to enhance
volume of exports is to make exportable products cheaper and more
competitive while could be made possible by reducing power tariff.
Muhammad Ahmed Waheed further said that share of hydropower
increases during summer season due to increased inflow of water that
also provides good opportunity to the policymakers to make a decision for
cutting power tariff. He said that reduced power tariff would bring multiple
benefits to the economy as it would bring down production cost, make
manufactured products cheaper, improve exports volume, reduce inflation
and accelerate the pace of economic activities leading to early revival of
overall economy.