Feedback regarding Mid-Term Review of Strategic Trade Policy Framework
- December 24, 2019
Dear Member,
Strategic Trade Policy Framework 2015-18 has been announced by the Federal Minister for Commerce on March 21st , 2016. In the policy, the Prime Minister approved various Export Development Initiatives to enhance exports of Pakistan, which includes the following initiatives, launched through SROs mentioned against each:-
i. Technolgy Upgradation, SRO-580(I)/2016, dated july 12, 2016.
ii. Products Development-SROs-578(I)/2016, dated 1st July, 2016
iii. Brand and Certification Development Support-SRO-579(I)/2016, dated 1st July, 2016
iv. Drawback of local taxes and levies-SROs-582(I)/2016, dated 1st July, 2016
v. Plant and Machinery for Agro process SMEs-SROs(I)/2016, dated 1st July, 2016
vi. Prime Minister’d Package for Exporters SROs-62(I)/2017, dated 2nd February, 2017.
Ministry of Commerce is intiating the process of mid-term review of existing Strategy Trade Plicy Framework. In this connection, ministry has invited all the stakeholders to give their feedback/proposals regarding new export promotion measures to give quick, big boost to Pakistan’s exports as per the formate attached in soft and hard form latest by March 25, 2017 at: & Please also send the same to Chamber at: and the following:-
Mr.Abdul Salam Shah,
Director ( P&C),
Trade Policy Wing,
Ministry of Commerce
Block “A”, Pak-Secretariat, Islamabad
Tel: 051-9204269
Fax: 051-9205241
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Majid Shabbir
Secretary General
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