Tunisia keen to promote bilateral trade with Pakistan

  • April 30, 2019
H.E. Adel Elarbi, Ambassador of Tunisia said that his country was keen to promote bilateral trade with Pakistan as both countries have great potential to do trade in many items. He said that governments were responsible to facilitate the connectivity between private sectors while it was the role of businessmen to explore new avenues for trade and exports. He said Tunisia enjoyed strategic location and was a gateway for Pakistan to enter big African and European markets. He was addressing the business community during his visit to Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry. 
The Envoy said that Tunisia’s 80% trade was with European Union and Pakistani investors have good opportunity to set up JVs in Tunisia to promote exports with Africa and EU. He said the future was of African continent and Pakistan should develop strong business linkages with Tunisia to capture better market share in African region. He said that Tunisia has great experience and good expertise in agriculture, textiles and tourism and Pakistan could benefit from its experience to promote its economy. He stressed that ICCI should form a delegation for Tunisia to explore new area of mutual cooperation with Tunisian counterparts. He assured that his Embassy would provide visa facilitation and extend support in making its visit successful.
Speaking at the occasion, Ahmed Hassan Moughal, President, Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry said that Pakistan and Tunisia enjoyed good political relations, but their bilateral trade was negligible. He said both countries should focus on frequent exchange of trade delegations to explore all untapped areas of mutual cooperation. He said that many Pakistani products including textiles, surgical instruments, sports goods, fruits could find good market in Tunisia and stressed that it should import these products from Pakistan. He said that current government was focusing on promoting tourism and Tunisian investors should explore investment and JVs in tourism, CPEC and other sectors in Pakistan. He said ICCI would consider taking a delegation to Tunisia to explore its market.
Rafat Farid, Senior Vice President ICCI said that Chamber would like to work with Tunisian Embassy to promote strong business linkages between the private sectors of both countries that would help in improving bilateral trade and economic relations. Khalid Malik Chairman ICCI Diplomatic Committee, Syed Bilal Adil, Mian Arif Hussain, Ms. Farhat Irfan, Muhammad Hussain, Khalid Chaudhry and others also spoke at the occasion and gave useful suggestions to promote bilateral trade and economic relations between Pakistan and Tunisia.