The Capital Development Authority should withdraw FIR against traders leaders and try to settle any differences with traders with mutual understanding and in an amicable manner in order to avoid any untoward situation, observed Muzzamil Hussain Sabri, President, Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
He said ICCI has always cooperated with CDA for removal of encroachments from markets, but registration of FIR by CDA against a former Senior Vice President of Chamber and other business leaders have created concerns in the business community.
He called upon the CDA to appoint such officers in its Enforcement Department as should be well aware of on ground situations in markets. He said before launching any movement against encroachment, CDA should take trade union of concerned market into confidence so that encroachments could be removed with mutual efforts.
Muzzamil Sabri requested Mr. Maroof Afzal Chairman, Mr. Amir Ali Ahmed Member Administration and Capt. Shahbaz, Director General Enforcement CDA to withdraw the FIR against trader leaders and try to remove all encroachments in coordination with market unions.