ICCI demands notification for opening of construction related businesses in Islamabad
- April 16, 2020
Muhammad Ahmed Waheed, President, Islamabad Chamber
of Commerce & Industry has called upon the relevant authorities to issue
notification for opening of all businesses related with construction industry
including steel re-rolling and marble sectors. He said that on the instructions of
Coordination Committee and Prime Minister of Pakistan, district administration
had issued notification for opening of construction industry, but steel re-rolling,
marble and some other industries were not covered in the said notification,
which has created confusion in the businessmen of construction sector.
Muhammad Ahmed Waheed said that other provinces have notified opening of
all construction related businesses and stressed that new notification for
Islamabad should be issued to remove the prevailing confusion. He said that if all
businesses related with construction industry were not opened, there would be
no benefit of opening construction industry as many materials and items used in
construction would not be available in the market.
ICCI President said that due to lockdown, all businesses have already suffered
great loss. However, PM’s announcement to open some industries including
construction had given a new hope to the depressed business community. They
said that ICCI has already issued instructions to traders and industrialists to fully
abide by the SOPs issued by the local administration for opening of business
activities. They urged that SOPs should be issued and all businesses allied with
construction industry should be allowed to open so that jobless workers could
get employment that would also reduce the difficulties of many families.