ICCI presents its budget proposals and calls for their inclusion in next budget
- May 06, 2020
Muhammad Ahmed Waheed, President, Islamabad Chamber
of Commerce & Industry (ICCI) said that Chamber in consultation with business
community has finalized its budget proposals, which have been sent to the
relevant departments and called upon the government to incorporate them in
the Federal Budget 2020-21 as their implementation would address the key
issues of trade and industry, facilitate better growth of business activities,
improve tax revenue of government and help in revival of economy.
Dilating upon the key features of proposals, he said that the impact of Covid-19
has badly affected business and industrial sector and stressed that government
should bring down GST and policy interest rate to 5 percent in order to ease the
difficulties of business community. It would reduce the cost of doing business,
encourage new investment, promote industrialization and create plenty of new
jobs for the countless jobless people.
Muhammad Ahmed Waheed said that turnover tax u/s-113 should be reduced
from current 1.5% to 0.25% or zero percent for the next 3 years for
manufacturers and downstream retailers/traders. He said that to combat the
impact of Covid-19, government should defer the requirement of CNIC for sales
transactions of Rs.50,000 and above till June 2022 that would ease the problems
of businesses. He said that government had introduced an industrial support
package in 2016 to provide subsidy of Rs.3/unit on off-peak and on-peak
electricity that was withdrawn later on. He said that keeping in view the
difficulties of industries, government should restore that package in the next
ICCI President said that currently sales tax on services in ICT was 16% while this
rate on certain services was reduced to 5% without input tax claim. He stressed
that a uniform ST rate of 5% may be introduced on services in ICT to remove such
discrepancies. He further said that government through an ordinance has
provided exemption from Sec-111 of Income Tax Ordinance 2001 to investors for
investing in construction sector, which was an encouraging move. He urged that
this incentive should also be provided to all other industrial sectors in the
forthcoming budget to promote investment and industrialization.