Duties and Obligations of Members

Every Member shall have the following duties and obligations:-

  • to make every effort to carry out the aims and objects of the Chamber as set forth in Memorandum of Association.
  • to carry out and abide by the rules and regulations of the Chamber as laid down in these Articles or in the bye-laws framed thereunder from time to time.
  • to pay the annual subscription of the Chamber regularly.
  • to bring to the notice of the Executive Committee any matter likely to cause any loss or harm to the interest of the Chamber in any manner whatsoever.
  • to accept and abide by the decisions of the Executive Committee.
  • to convey to the Executive Committee all information that may be considered necessary for promoting the aims and objects of the Chamber.
  • to take part in the deliberations of the meetings of the Chamber, which he is entitled to attend and to abide by the rules framed for the conduct of the business of the meeting from time to time.
  • to assist and co-operate with the Executive Committee in the eradication of unethical business practices from the field of trade, industry, services and commerce.