
Poor infrastructure hampering economic growth – ICCI

Islamabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry has called upon the government to urgently focus on infrastructure development as the...

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Businessmen fear RPPs will further push up cost of doing business

Government should fully protect the national interest before going for rental power plants (RPPs) as the price of electricity produced by RPPs...

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ICCI for youth parks to groom youth for nation building

Pakistan is one of very few countries in the world which doesn’t have an aging population, but an increasingly young mass that has...

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ICCI terms Institutions Building a Key for Economic Growth

Weak institutions are putting pressure on national exchequer instead of contributing to economic development of the country and government...

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ICCI for greater regional integration to promote trade

The South Asian countries should step up their efforts for regional integration to create new economic opportunities, foster markets and...

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Automation: Key to fast track economic growth – ICCI

Automation plays an increasingly important role in the growth of global economy and government should encourage & facilitate automation in...

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ICCI resents withdrawal of electricity subsidies

Expressing resentment over government’s decision to withdraw electricity subsidies including those meant for lifeline consumers and...

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ICCI for providing tax incentives to manufacturing sector

Islamabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ICCI) has called upon the government to provide some tax incentives to manufacturing sector by...

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ICCI calls for urgent restoration of Gas to textile industry

Strongly opposing the move of Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) to suspend gas supply to all textile mills in Punjab and NWFP for...

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Gas suspension: Industrialists threaten to close business

A delegation of Islamabad Soap Industry Association led by its President Sheikh Muhammad Munir called on Zahid Maqbool, President, Islamabad...

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