
Remittances best option to avoid foreign debt-Mian Shaukat Masud

Increasing the remittances is the best option to get rid of dependence on international lenders and government should provide remitters...

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Businessmen protest against the misuse of SRO-555/2006

 Businessmen in a meeting at Islamabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ICCI) strongly protested against the poor performance of Sale...

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Import of sugar could stabilize sugar prices-Mian Shaukat Masud

 Government should encourage the import of raw sugar and ask millers to convert it into white sugar for providing it to people at...

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Hike in petroleum prices an anti-people decision – Mian Shaukat Masud

Government has taken an anti-people decision by increasing the prices of petroleum products at a time when the economic activities are shrinking...

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Government should explore renewable energy resources to overcome energy crisis – Mian Shaukat Masud

Energy shortage is badly affecting business activities due to which many industrial units have closed down their operations, rendering thousands...

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Monitary Policy disappoints businessmen – Mian Shaukat Masud

High interest rate had significantly raised the cost of doing business in Pakistan and businessmen were expecting hefty cut in policy discount...

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Rising debt would severely affect economy – Mian Shaukat Masud

International Monetary Fund’s projection that Pakistan’s external debt would reach $74-billion by 2015 should be a cause of...

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Exports target unachievable without resolving domestic issues – Mian Shaukat Masud

Mian Shaukat Masud, President, Islamabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ICCI) while presiding over a meeting of ICCI Sub-Committee on...

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Textile policy a document of vague promises – Mian Shaukat Masud

The National Textile Policy 2009-14 is a document of many vague promises as it has not set any specific targets for sub-sectors and is short...

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ICCI hails Richard Holbrooke’s assurance for energy assistance

Mian Shaukat Masud President, Muhammad Ishtiaq Qureshi Vice President and Executive Members of Islamabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ICCI)...

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