Business Community slams on Minor Cut in Fuel Prices
Current hike in the POL and CNG prices were the most unjustified decision of the Government while minor cut in fuel prices would not provide...
read moreGovernments should restrain spending to ensure economic stability in upcoming fiscal year-Yassar Sakhi Butt
Governments should find ways and means to reduce its expenditures and balance its budget to ensure macroeconomic recovery. High fiscal deficit...
read moreIncreasing unemployment can be cope with exploiting IT Potential-Yassar Sakhi Butt
The deteriorating socio-economic system of the country is futile to provide employment to the increasing labor force while Information...
read moreICCI suggests Think Tank to strategize economic Uplift
There is an emergent need for constituting a think-tank with the public-private partnership to evolve strategies for economic development of...
read moreICCI urges Government to tackle macroeconomic instability
All major economic indicators of the economy are declining which is not reflecting a healthy state of economic affairs. There is an urgent need...
read moreICCI for revamping monthly fuel adjustment charges
Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry criticized upon the current massive increase of Rs.6.39 per unit in the electricity tariff under...
read moreIncreasing Food Crops production needed for curbing food inflation-Yassar Sakhi Butt
Government should promote new technologies for increasing the production of food crops which would ultimately help in curbing overall...
read moreSkill development programs vital for increasing Remittances inflow-Yassar Sakhi Butt
Structures and strategies are needed to be developed for diversifying skill development opportunities as par with international standards to...
read moreMore Courtrooms should not be established in F-8 Markaz-Yassar Sakhi Butt
The plan of increasing the number of courtrooms in F-8 Markaz Islamabad for the lawyers and additional judges is completely an imprudent decision...
read moreGovernment must rationalize tax rates in upcoming budget-Yassar Sakhi Butt
Government must expedite the process of rationalizing the tax rates as business community has many expectations from the upcoming federal...
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