ICCI presents its budget proposals and calls for their inclusion in next budget
Muhammad Ahmed Waheed, President, Islamabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ICCI) said that Chamber in consultation with business community...
read moreICCI cautions prolonged lockdown to cripple the economy
The Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) has shown great concerns over the prolonged lockdown as it would cause permanent closure...
read moreICCI calls for gradual opening of industries in Islamabad
The Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) has called upon the government go gradually open businesses and industries in Islamabad as...
read moreICCI calls for cut in electricity and gas prices in proportion to cut in POL prices
The Islamabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ICCI) has called upon the government to make proportionate cut in the prices of electricity and...
read moreICCI urges for conducive labour policies to boost economy
The Islamabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry has urged the government to make conducive labour policies in order to improve the...
read moreICCI calls for further extension in the last date of ST Returns of March 2020
The Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry has called upon the Federal Board of Revenue to give further extension in the last date...
read moreICCI calls for deferment of markup on running finance of businesses
The Islamabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ICCI) has called upon the government to defer the banks mark up on running...
read moreICCI welcomes 75 billion relief package for small businesses
The Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry has welcomed the relief package of Rs.75 billion announced by Federal Minister for...
read moreCDA asked to revise building byelaws in light of Construction Industry Ordinance
The Federal Government has provided incentives to construction industry through a Presidential Ordinance, but CDA has neither taken any steps...
read moreICCI calls for urgent relief package for SMEs to save them from collapse
Muhammad Ahmed Waheed, President, Islamabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ICCI) said that due to lockdown triggered by Covid-19 pandemic,...
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