
ICCI delegation on visit to Turkey, Romania and Czech Republic for bolstering bilateral trade relations

A seven-member Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) delegation under the leadership of ICCI President Yassar Sakhi Butt left for...

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Skilled and well-trained Labor Force is the Key to economic growth-Yassar Sakhi Butt

Labor Force is the country's most important asset as Pakistan is a labor abundant country, therefore structures and strategies are needed to...

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Islamabad District Bar Association assures full support for solving the problems of business Community

A delegation of Islamabad District Bar Association led by its President, Syed Javed Akbar Shah visited Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and...

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ICCI urges Government to take measures for reversing economic slowdown

Government must needs to shift its focus to economic condition of the country and should take necessary steps to reverse economic...

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ICCI hails Indian government decision for opening up FDI window for Pakistan

Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) welcomes resumption of Pak-India economic relations as Indian government has taken...

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Business Community pushes Government to set ‘realistic’ targets in budget 2012-13

The Government should announce the realistic economic targets for forthcoming fiscal year 2012-13 by keeping in view the ground realities to...

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Government urged to control all-time high Food Inflation-ICCI

High food inflation in the last four years has pushed millions of people into a state of hunger and poverty as the current increase in petrol,...

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ICCI urges Government to focus on energy projects

Sufficient funds should be allocated in the forthcoming budget for energy project and construction of dam and water reservoirs to tackle...

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ICCI for fostering Private Sector-led Economic Growth

Private sector-led growth and job creation is essential for reviving the economic recovery as private sector is by far the biggest contributor to...

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Simplification of tax system should be focused for upcoming Budget-Yassar Sakhi Butt

Government should take additional measures for simplification of tax system and plug revenue leakages against the target of Rs1,952 billion...

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